Second Sight

Cover GIF

Stokoe Code: A80
Publisher: Faber and Faber
Place: London
Date: 11th April 1940

First Edition:
SECOND SIGHT | by | NEIL M. GUNN | [space] | FABER AND FABER | 24 Russell Square | London

[A] (8), B - I (8), No J, K - U (8), No V & W, X (4), 164 leaves.
pp. [1] - [2] blank; p. [3] SECOND SIGHT; p. [4] By the same author; p. [5] Title page; p. [6] [ital] Publisher's and Printer's notices: First published in April MCMXL; p. [7] Dedication to John and Josephine; p. [8] blank; pp. 9 - 327 Text; p. [328] blank.
5" x 7 9/16". Bound in blue cloth, spine stamped in red:
SECOND | SIGHT | [ornament] | Neil M. | Gunn | [space] | Faber & | Faber

Other Editions:
Richard Drew | Glasgow | 1986 (With a foreword by Dairmid Gunn)
An extract entitled "King Brude", comprising chapter ten of the novel appeared in:
The Scots Magazine | Dundee | February 1939 | pp. 359 - 371.
A play with the same name and plot was offered to the B.B.C. and, in an accompanying letter dated 11th January 1956, Gunn states that the novel was developed from the play.
Whittles | Dunbeath | 2002

A letter from Faber, 23rd July 1965, confirms that the copyright had reverted to Gunn.
The action centres round a shooting party in a lodge and on the hill where they are striving to shoot the legendary stag "King Brude". A gillie with the "Second Sight", "sees" a funeral procession but will not disclose the victim's name. The reaction to this prophecy differs according to the character of the protagonist involved and Gunn makes full play of these differences, building to a climax at the end.

Details from C J L Stokoe's Bibliography